School Rules


> Students are required to come to school 5mins prior to bell ring in the morning. Students won't be allowed to enter school gate after the assembly bell.

> While every care is taken to prevent accidents in the school or while transporting the ward to & fro from the school, but accidents unfortunately happen, in that case you will be contacted and medical attention will be sought. The Management will not be however liable for injuries and accidents sustained by pupils in the course of everyday activities.

> The fees may be enhanced by 10% to 15% annually, to enable the school to increase staff salaries (annual increments and associated factors) and cope with the rise in prices. The management reserves the right to increase the school fees during the academic year if required.

> The whole school is a notobaccozone.

> We aim to maintain a high standard of hygiene and children are encouraged to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating. The same should be follow at home also.

> We do not have a central lost property box. We do however encourage parents to label their children's belongings. If your child does loose an item, please talk to their class teacher as soon as possible

> While greater emphasis is laid on the academic progress of the students, the school provides ample scope for development of their creative faculties and skill in Fine Arts, Craft and other hobbies.

> Suitable dresses and uniforms befitting various occasions are prescribed in order to inculcate sense of oneness, discipline and dignity among the students.

> Discipline, being the foundation of character, forms the basis of school education. Every student is, therefore, expected to abide by the code of conduct and behavior throughout his stay in the school. The parents/guardians are expected to co-operate with the school administration in this regard.

> All the class rooms in the school will converted to Smart Classrooms with digital tools that assist the teachers and cadets in enhancing the teaching-learning outcome.

> The School also arranges educational tours, under escort to places of historical and educational interests along with visits to military institutions as a regular feature of their training.

> We work very hard to ensure that all pupils are given the same opportunities and are able to access these. This is regardless of gender, race, religious background, financial circumstances or disabilities. We firmly believe that this is essential to promote a fair and just society.

> It is not permissible for the students to take private tuitions from teachers who teach that particular student in the class, because it may compromise the fairness of the teacher towards rest of the students in the class. Parents who wish to make such arrangement for tuitions should get the prior permission written from the principal.